The time of stiff faces and voluminous lips is behind us! - About lasers, fillers, own blood and carbon dioxide, or the latest technologies and trends in beauty care, which remove the need for plastic surgery, in the May magazine Pastaiga.
The time of stiff faces and voluminous lips is behind us. Currently, the main task of beauty care specialists is to offer effective methods that, while maintaining the most natural appearance possible, remove the need for plastic surgery.
Not to fill, but to restore
There are fewer and fewer customers who demand from their beautician a toned face without a single wrinkle. Harmonization of the face comes to the fore - wrinkles become less noticeable, but the opportunity to show emotions remains. This does not mean that, for example, botulinum toxin injections are a thing of the past, but rarely does a master continue to inject them in the same doses as before. It requires much more skill of the beautician to smooth out the wrinkles while maintaining the facial mimicry of the patient. Also, the so-called fillers are no longer just a dense filler. The latest generation preparations have caused a real revolution, breaking the notions of traditional wrinkle filling methods. "Until now, we knew fillers, which basically performed the function of a filler, with less impact on the quality of the skin. The new generation preparations work more widely, improving the elasticity of the skin, activating cell regeneration processes, and together with the smoothing of wrinkles, improve the condition of the skin in the long term," emphasizes dermatologist Lauma Valeine.
A laser that does not injure
One of the newest methods, which is also suitable for sensitive and problematic areas - eyes, neck, décolleté - is facial skin treatment with a fractional cold laser. Since I myself have had some laser procedures done before, I know that they are painful and the rehabilitation period is relatively long. When I tried the Alma Harmony cold laser, I did not observe anything like that. During the procedure, microtunnels are punched in the skin with a laser beam, heating the middle layer of the skin. It stimulates the fibroblast cells responsible for collagen production, resulting in the formation of new collagen fibers that strengthen the skin's framework. From time to time, the patient feels only tiny pricks, which are accompanied by a strong light and crackling, so special glasses must be used during the procedure. But it is not painful and does not cause discomfort. The procedure does not noticeably injure the upper layer of the skin, so there are no side effects after it, only redness of the skin, which passes after a short while. The duration of the procedure is about 30 minutes, and it should be repeated on average four to six times with a month-long interval.
Own blood in the name of beauty
Autologous (a person's own blood material) cell injections have been used in aesthetic dermatology for some time. The newest of the methods is l-PRF - fibrin-enriched plasma injections. After the specially prepared blood is injected into the skin, it releases special growth factors over the next 28 days. The latest research shows that this growth factor concentrate stimulates collagen synthesis and blood circulation, causing the skin to regenerate intensively. The biggest minus of the method is that it is painful. It is possible to apply cream anesthesia before the procedure, but it only slightly reduces the unpleasant sensations. However, you can be pleased with the fact that the procedure is short, from 10 to 20 minutes. True, if it is combined with the aforementioned laser procedure, it is possible to inject the blood concentrate into the skin through the microscopic wounds created by the laser beam with the method of ultrasound poration instead of injections. The recommended course of procedures is two to three times with a monthly interval. The first changes are noticeable within a couple of weeks, but the maximum effect is reached after about two months.
Carbon dioxide for cells
The carboxytherapy method is still relatively effective, which in itself is not new, but its application technologies are constantly being improved. During the procedure, using a special injection gun, medical carbonic acid gas is injected under the skin through microneedles. It causes expansion of blood vessels and restoration of blood microcirculation in the subcutaneous tissue. As a result, more oxygen and nutrients reach the area of the skin to be treated, thus the process of cell renewal and the formation of new blood vessels begins. This method also stimulates the activity of fibroblasts - cells that develop collagen. The duration of one session depends on the specific area of the skin to be treated, and it should be done as a course. After the procedure, moderate redness, local swelling or small bruises are possible, which will pass in a short time. No rehabilitation period is required after carboxytherapy.
Individual approach
Our hairdresser, dentist or even psychotherapist seems to us self-evident. However, we schedule a visit to the dermatologist only when a specific problem is felt. No matter how comprehensive our knowledge of beauty care is, only a specialist will be able to tell what the skin needs at a particular moment. It should be taken into account that the needs of the skin change with the change of season, age, hormonal changes, as well as lifestyle. A good dermatologist should draw up a treatment plan for a longer period of time, thereby delaying the need for plastic surgery. In addition, in this way it is possible to start working with skin aging symptoms in time and you will not have to worry that the result will be exaggerated or unnatural.
And finally, do not underestimate daily skin care habits and appropriate cosmetics! I know many women in their thirties who don't worry about their skin because they look good. They think that they will start thinking about antiaging skin products when they really need it, but then the process will be much more expensive and time-consuming. It is just like with an admitted disease - it is much more difficult to overcome it than to regularly monitor your health.