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DYNASTY Service Center

In order to ensure quality warranty and post-warranty service, SIA Dinastija has established a special BEAUTY CARE AND MEDICAL EQUIPMENT SERVICE CENTER, whose certified and highly qualified masters provide the best maintenance and repair for your equipment. If necessary, non-standard equipment is assembled and parts worn out during the operation of the equipment are manufactured.

We offer to conclude a cooperation agreement on the technical maintenance and repair work of medical equipment, furniture and equipment.

  • As part of the contract, we provide:

    • the arrival of the master at your company according to the request according to the price list,
    • provision of necessary parts and spare parts,
    • execution of operative works,
    • improvement and modernization of equipment according to your needs,
    • manufacturing of new equipment, furniture and structures.
  • Our masters carry out technical maintenance and repair work:

    • electrical equipment,
    • medical furniture and equipment,
    • for cosmetology equipment and facilities,
    • manicure and pedicure machines,
    • tools etc

Servisa centra pakalpojumu cenrādis

Darbi Cena ar 21% PVN, EUR Papildus izdevumi
Iekārtu remonta izmaksas stundā 50.00 / h -
Iekārtu remonta izmaksas stundā Dynasty pirktām iekārtām 45.00/h -
Manikīra un pedikīra aparātu tehniskā apkope/profilaktiskā apskate (tīrīšana) 55.00 Ja nepieciešamas detaļas
Dynasty pirktiem manikīra un pedikīra aparātiem tehniskā apkope/profilaktiskā apskate (tīrīšana) 45.00 Ja nepieciešamas detaļas
Izsaukums Rīgas robežās 10.00 -
Izsaukums ārpus Rīgas robežām 0.70/km -
Iekārtu diagnostika no 10.00 -
Iekārtu montāža un uzstādīšana no 45.00/h -
Citi darbi Saskaņā ar tehnisko specifikāciju Ja nepieciešamas detaļas

To apply for service services, fill out the form