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Flatfoot. Continue to ignore it?

Plakanā pēda. Turpināt to ignorēt?

Flat feet, as the best escape from being drafted into the army, were almost a glorified defect in Soviet times. In high school, the guys even shared their experiences on how to get there, and deliberately spent their days in sneakers or tennis shoes to get closer to the desired goal as quickly as possible. In their carelessness, the young people did not think that it was a serious harm to health.

Even everyday wearing of high-heeled shoes and boats often resulted in deformations of the arches of the feet - known as flat feet.

I have a flat foot. Why should I worry?

Our foot consists of 26 bones, 33 joints, 114 ligaments, as well as muscles and tendons. It is known that 60-80% of knee and hip joints, spinal osteoarthrosis, intervertebral disc herniations are related to the fact that unevenly loaded, flattened, deformed feet have lost their springiness.

A person in his life walks a distance equivalent to four circumferences of the globe. If this "journey" takes place on problematic feet, over time problems arise in the support and movement system as a whole. For comparison, imagine what would happen to your car if the car's tires were angular.

Flat foot is one of the most common foot deformities. If the foot has insufficient longitudinal arch height, the foot loses springiness and the gait becomes heavy. If the fulcrum system of the foot is disrupted, movement disorders occur and it becomes difficult, for example, to buy shoes. Legs hurt and melt quickly, hips receive unexpected shocks because the body's natural cushioning system does not work. Due to the lack of cushioning, the spinal cord and brain also feel the shock, so you feel increased fatigue and often have long-lasting headaches.

What should be the foot?

The right foot properly distributes the load of walking. 60% of the load on the rear third of the foot and 40% on the front of the foot.

Do I have flat feet?

A healthy foot is characterized by a curve that acts as natural shock absorber when walking, running and jumping.

This can be clearly seen in the footprint. The inner middle part of the foot should be raised. This is easily observed, for example, in a footprint in the sand or when stepping on a surface with a wet foot that shows a water footprint. You can also smear your leg with skin-friendly paint and make a print on a piece of paper.

What happens if we ignore flat feet?

The main task of the foot elevation (longitudinal arch of the foot) is to ensure body balance and cushioning while walking.

The lower the elevation, the greater the load our locomotor system has to withstand - legs, joints, spine.

Pronounced consequences of flat feet can be pain in legs, knees, hips, lower back and back. They are often accompanied by headaches, dizziness, leg fatigue, instability.

Such problems as rapid wearing off of shoes, discomfort when wearing favorite shoes appear in everyday life.

What to do if you have flat feet?

Don't ignore it!

Supinators (insoles // feet // insoles)

Supinators are orthopedic soles that are inserted into everyday shoes. The insoles support the longitudinal and transverse arches of the feet, keeping them at the correct height.

Insoles will increase movement control and improve stability, reduce pressure by properly distributing the load. They will ensure the prevention of foot health.

When choosing insoles, pay attention to their shape. The front edge of the sole should be thin, a shape corresponding to the anatomy of the foot, which does not stress the joints of the metatarsophalangeal or front part of the foot.

The outer part of the sole should be lower in the area of ​​the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint, thus respecting the biomechanical characteristics of this part of the foot.

When choosing an insole size:

Shoes suitable for insoles, which have a wide enough interior to accommodate both the foot and the selected insoles. Never put insoles in shoes that are too narrow and tight.

Like shoes, insoles should be about 1cm longer than the length of the foot when it is in a stable position and under load. Check the length of both feet, if there is a difference, size is determined by the longer foot.

Break-in phase: Like other medical aids, the ErgoPad weightflex 2 insoles may feel a little strange the first time you wear them. Therefore, it is recommended to initially wear the insoles for 1-2 hours and gradually extend the wearing time.


Choose shoes that are manufactured in accordance with the principles of foot biomechanics. You will find such shoes by searching for: comfort shoes, orthopedic shoes, medical shoes .

It is important to:

A small, 2-3 cm high elevation would have been built into the heel part of the shoes.

The shoe has a semi-round toe, which provides enough space for the toes and ensures that they are not squeezed. The space from the longest toe to the wall of the shoe or boot is also left.

The so-called antishock system is incorporated in the heel part, which minimizes the impact not only on the heel, but also on the lumbar spine.

Many manufacturers of comfort shoes produce shoes that also have a half size - not only 37, 38, 39, but also 37.5, 38.5, etc.

Read more about choosing shoes here.


Special exercises must be performed that strengthen the muscles of the internal vault. Both on the Internet and in various publications, you can find a lot of different exercises, but it is better to perform them the first time under the supervision of a physiotherapist to ensure the correct execution of the exercises. 

They are performed several times a day for 2-3 exercises, with bare feet or in thin socks.

Massage can also be used. Massage normalizes foot and ankle muscle tone, strengthens weak muscles and relieves their tension. Improving blood supply to muscles, ligaments and bones. The massage effect is greater if it is combined with corrective exercises.

4 minute read