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10 expert tips for the health of a child's feet

10 speciālista padomi bērna pēdu veselībai

Foot and toe deformities, X-, O-legs, pelvic asymmetry, postural weakness and even scoliosis – these are just a few of the common foot and postural problems that specialists mention as the ones that can be noticed and prevented at a very early age. The function of the foot is to cushion everything, the feet carry the entire weight of the body, therefore it is valuable for every parent to examine their baby's feet, gait, posture more from time to time, as well as provide a healthy environment for the feet every day - comfortable and high-quality shoes, varied movements and opportunities for individual develop.

"In my opinion, it is the observation that is important! It is the duty of both parents and specialists to notice any deviations from the norm in time. And nowadays there are many options, including "smart shoes" with self-diagnosing soles, which allow parents to assess the health of their child's feet themselves," says Yekaterina Ješova, pediatric physiotherapist of the "Health Center 4" Children's Health Center.

Here are ten tips from a children's physiotherapist for parents to ensure a foot-friendly environment for their baby and promote foot health.


Observe the child's gait and posture. Often, it is the gait that allows you to notice deviations from the norm, the real cause of which are foot health problems.


Explore the soles of children's shoes. Compare the shoe soles of both feet. Wear on the outsole may indicate that the child is straining or misaligning one or both feet.


Give your child's foot the chance to develop naturally. If the baby's foot is healthy, do not restrict it and allow it to move as much as possible. For example, a child who does not yet walk but sits in a stroller does not need shoes, the leg should not be overburdened.


Allows the child to walk barefoot on uneven surfaces such as pebbles or cones.


Carefully choose everyday shoes for your child. Shoes should be comfortable, of the right size, stable, with a flexible sole and covering the heel or with a firm sole.


Avoid excessively wide, soft shoes, which cover the feet, but do not ensure foot stability or fixation in the correct position.


Remember! The child needs new shoes, especially in the period when the child's foot has not yet formed. Used shoes can have deformations from the previous wearer and this can contribute to incorrect foot formation.


Play purposefully. Turn foot muscle strengthening into a game, for example, ask the child to pick up pencils, buttons or other small objects from the ground with his toes. Set up small obstacle courses to be overcome while walking on the toes, heels or outer edges of the feet.


Provide a balanced exercise and rest regime for the child's feet.

It is very important that the child starts wearing good, correct shoes. It is important that the shoes have a closed heel, that the insole is soft and flexible, that the toes are not pinched.


Make sure that even in cold weather, the child's foot is comfortable in the shoes. Taking care of the foot warmth and wearing extra socks often compresses the foot in the boot. It disturbs the blood circulation system, contributes to finger deformations.

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