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The first preventive and anti-aging medicine clinic in Latvia

Pirmā preventīvās un anti-aging medicīnas klīnika Latvijā

SIA "Veselības centrs 4" opens the first specialized preventive and anti-aging medicine clinic in Latvia - "Anti-Aging Institute", starting accepting clients on September 25, 2019.

You will also find the DYNASTY concept store in the Anti-Aging Institute. Our concept store is designed so that before and after the procedures, specialists can recommend quality products for achieving and maintaining an effective result at home. In the store you will find such brands as mesoestetic , dermaOXY, skinbetter science , peclavus , camillen 60 and other cosmetic products. The concept store will be exclusively available to clinic visitors.

The Anti-Aging Institute offers personalized and diverse solutions (from gene and cell level examinations to aesthetic medicine) for preserving a person's physical and mental health and quality of life for as long as possible - to live healthy and age beautifully! In the clinic, you will meet knowledgeable specialists: preventive medicine doctor, dermatologist, geriatrician, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, nutritionist, body aesthetics specialist and others.

The clinic will start working on September 25, 2019.
Baznīcas iela 18, Riga
+371 25418181

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