We will prepare the orders and deliver them to the store during the same working day, if you place the order by 16:00.
If you place your order on a holiday, it will be prepared on the next working day, as soon as possible!
All products available in DYNASTY stores can be purchased at www.dynasty.lv online store or by calling +371 26667259
Order receipt every working day from 9:00 a.m. to 19:00 at the DYNASTY store at 180 Brīvības Street, Riga!

As soon as your order is prepared and available in the store - you will receive a text message!
How to place an order to receive the product in the store?
On the Simple Checkout Form | In the final order window -
- In the field "Delivery" press "Other"
- and tick "Pick up in store (Brīvības iela, 180, Riga)"