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Vein Socks | How do they help and how to choose the right ones?

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How to find good vein socks?

It's crazy that after a working day in the office you have to wear long boots and you can no longer close them - the zipper stays half way because the lower legs are swollen. That's why you've decided to buy vein socks. Only - which ones? dr. med. Arnolds Kadis, surgeon and phlebologist answers the questions: Why do we need vein socks, how to choose the right ones and how else can we improve vein health.

Why do you need vein socks at all?

First of all, the question must be answered - why do we need veins? The veins are intended for the blood to flow through them in the great circle of blood circulation towards the heart, thus upwards, and therefore also flow away from the legs. In cases of vein problems, the blood does not flow from the legs, but seems to fall back, because the blood vessels have lost their flexibility and the valves of the veins no longer fulfill their function of ensuring that the blood flows from the legs only upwards. As a result, blood accumulates in the form of liquid in the legs. Externally, it can appear as edema.

The purpose of compression stockings is to create pressure on the legs, which helps to improve the outflow of blood from them, thus ensuring that the blood goes back up to the heart and the fluid does not accumulate in the legs. This prevents the occurrence of edema. However, it is important to realize that vein stockings do not cure the veins themselves and do not stop the disease - only the swelling is stopped. It is important to emphasize here - it is stopped, prevented before it occurs, but not pushed out into the field. If you put on venous stockings in the morning before the swelling occurs, the swelling will not develop, but if you put on the stockings when the swelling is already there, it will remain all day.

If there is no edema in the legs, then there is no need for venous socks either.

Can vein socks be bought for good luck?

Definitely no! Before you buy vein socks, you should clearly know why and whether you really need them. Compression socks are divided into two large groups - medical and preventive socks. Preventive ones are 1st class, and medical ones are from 2nd to 4th class. Preventive compression stockings may be necessary in professions where you have to stand or sit a lot - accountants, teachers, hairdressers, cashiers, drivers.

But remember - you can only choose compression stockings when you know the condition of your veins. Quite often, women buy vein stockings in a pharmacy to dull, but most likely it won't be in the top ten. For example, a person believes that he has healthy legs and venous stockings are only needed for prevention, but in fact he has problems with leg veins, which require a different degree of compression and also other - medical - treatment methods.

Or vice versa - you think that the veins are sick, but they are not! If you use venous socks in such a case, it seems that it will not be worse, and yet there are some cases when it seems that the legs are sick and they really are, but the problem is not in the veins, but in the arteries, and in such cases it is strictly forbidden to wear venous socks.

Therefore, if you feel tiredness in your legs and they ache, be sure to go to a phlebologist who will perform the necessary tests.

In addition, it is also important to rule out other reasons why the legs might be throbbing. The most common cause of leg cramps is indeed veins, but heart or kidney problems could also be to blame. When all the tests are done and the condition of the blood vessels is also known, it can be determined which socks would be suitable.

If it is proven that there is a problem of superficial or deep veins, lymphatic edema, then medical compression stockings, at least class 2, should be worn. The difference between the superficial and deep veins is that we cannot see the deep veins, but about 70-80 percent of the blood flows through them. Therefore, they play a key role in blood return. If there is something wrong with the deep veins, the problem is bigger than with diseases of the superficial veins. In turn, we can see the superficial veins under the skin, and if something is wrong with them, the problem will appear as varicose veins, or swollen, distended veins.

If there is a serious pathology of the deep veins, class 2 compression stockings may not be enough - class 3 stockings are required. However, I have not had the chance to prescribe 4th grade socks myself.

Vein socks are not miracle workers!

Sometimes the value of compression stockings is overrated. An idea has arisen - if you have diseased veins, you should wear compression stockings. It's not! If there is no edema in the legs, then there is no need for venous socks either. As I already mentioned, the basic purpose of these socks is to prevent leg swelling. Sometimes a person has an idea - I will not operate on the veins, but I will wear compression stockings, and everything will be fine... It will not happen! The disease will continue to develop and go through all its stages, regardless of whether you wear socks or not.

Varicose veins are not affected by stockings - if the vein expands, it continues to expand more and more.

Sometimes wearing vein stockings to prevent swelling doesn't make the leg any worse. There is a regularity: if there are varicose veins in the leg, swelling will occur over time. If there is swelling in the leg for a long time, then changes will occur - brown spots, and if these spots are long-lasting, ulcers will appear. So, socks will not save you from the expansion of veins, but they can really delay the occurrence of ulcers.

Which vein socks to buy?

Vein socks should be chosen carefully, because only high-quality ones will help, but there is one here hook … Look at a box of compression socks… There are specific pressures indicated there – more pressure at the ankle, less pressure moving up the leg. These numbers are the same all over Europe. For class 1 compression socks, the pressure in the ankle area is 18-21 mm, class 2 - 23-32 mm, class 3 - 34-46 mm, while for class 4 the pressure in the ankle area is already 49 mm.

So you will see the same numbers on all the boxes you look at. However, when putting compression stockings on your legs, some will not help, while others will. Why is it? Because what is written on the box is not always true. Quality socks are those whose compression corresponds to the corresponding numbers written on the box. With such socks, the pressure on the veins increases gradually and smoothly. Unfortunately, in many cases when the socks are tested, the compression is not what is written on the package.

In Latvia, you can buy high-quality compression socks from four companies, for which I can, so to speak, put my head on the line. Three are German manufacturers – Ofa Bamberg, Bauerfeind and Medi , and the fourth – a Swiss company Sigvaris .

Nowadays, compression socks come in different colors and different types - half length and long, open toe socks and also tights. If you often wear long pants on a daily basis, you'll probably want to wear socks that end below the knee. Safe! The usefulness of the compression stocking does not suffer from its shortness - the edema caused by the veins is only in the lower legs.

How long do quality vein socks last? They retain their compression effect for about half a year.

What else will the veins LIKE?

  • Move your legs regularly! If you are a sitting or standing worker, the static load on your legs is too great and you should move them regularly, preferably every 45 minutes. You can also do the exercises while sitting - without anyone seeing under the table!
  1. Take off your shoes and properly round your feet, move them both up and down.
  2. While still sitting, you can tap your heels on the floor, this will improve blood circulation in your legs.
  • Do not drink before sleep! A drink before going to bed can stimulate the formation of edema.
  • Take a swim from time to time! Swimming will help the blood to circulate properly.
  • Shake yourself from the heart! There is a good exercise that gets the blood circulating and also prevents swelling, but you can only do it at home... Lie on your back, lift your legs and arms up and shake them out for a few minutes

The article has been republished. Read the original article here. AIJA BERZINA-ZALTANE

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