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  • Sejas ādas kopšana

    Facial skin care

    Our facial skin cells renew themselves in a natural life cycle of 28 days. However, at different stages of life and as we age physiologically, this process is disrupted and...

  • Akne - kā ar to cīnīties mājas apstākļos?

    Acne - how to fight it at home?

    The cooperation between beautician and client is important in the treatment of acne vulgaris . A beautician does a great job, while home care will ensure long-lasting results and healthy,...

  • Kā kolagēns palīdz uzturēt jaunību?

    How does collagen help maintain youth?

    The word collagen seems to be no stranger to anyone these days. This term is widely used in the beauty industry, with particular emphasis on anti-aging products. As we age,...

  • sauļojies gudri

    sunbathe wisely

    At least in theory, we know that we need to use sunscreen to keep our skin beautiful and healthy in the long term. But how to understand which of the...

  • SPF aizsardzība

    SPF protection

    Walking in the fresh air and SPF protection A distance of two meters from each other can protect us from COVID-19, but not from the sun's harmful radiation. Nature has...

  • SPF aizsardzība mākoņainās un lietainās dienās

    SPF protection on cloudy and rainy days

    There is a widespread myth that SPF protection is only necessary during the summer period in strong sunlight. This is especially relevant in Northern Europe, where our summers are short...

  • Kosmetologs mājās

    Cosmetologist at home

    Tips on how to care for facial skin at home. Facial cleansing, day and night cream, peelings and face masks.

  • C vitamīna nozīme skaistumkopšanā

    The importance of vitamin C in beauty care

    Currently, vitamin C as an ingredient in beauty care products is already becoming legendary. Everyone is talking about it! And not without reason - it really works! Uneven skin tone,...

  • 5 biežāk pieļautās kļūdas sejas kopšanā

    5 most common mistakes in facial care

    We all take care of our facial skin - some more, some less. But do we really know how to do it right? And is proper facial care really that...

  • Ampulas - skaistumkopšanas trends?

    Ampoules - a beauty trend?

    Not only in the fashion world, but also in the beauty industry, new trends often appear. Justified or unjustified - that's a question for specialists! At the moment, a lot...