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redcord  |  SKU: 110050-1 SKU:

Redcord Axis | A device for rotary movements

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  • Omniva pakomāti Baltijas valstīs €3.00
  • Kurjers Baltijas valstīs €5.00
  • Saņemšana - Brīvības iela 180, Rīgā €0.00
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- preci saņemat mūsu veikalā Brīvības ielā 180, Rīgā

- pirkuma kopsumma pārsniedz 30 EUR, šādā gadījumā Jums ir iespēja saņemt preci OMNIVA pakomātā.


Pirkumiem, kuru kopsumma nepārsniedz 30 EUR, tiek noteikta piegādes maksa 3 EUR, ja piegādes metode ir pakomāts un 5 EUR, ja piegādes metode ir kurjers. 

Tev ir jautājums par produktu? Mēs palidzēsim atrast atbildi! Uzdod jautājumu redcord pārstāvjiem!

Redcord Axis - sling training on a new level!

“Rotational movements are an essential part of our daily activities, especially sports activities. The Redcord Axis is a machine that challenges these abilities.

Redcord Axis creates an even wider range of exercises and provides different variations of them. It frees the body in a rotating plane and provides precise rotating movements for the whole body.

Exercises can be adapted to individual movement training and specific needs. With the help of Redcord Axis, actions are performed that stabilize muscle activity and improve their coordination, which is necessary for perfect movement control."
Øyvind Pedersen
Head of research department, Redcord AS

The Redcord Axis provides additional rotational movements, creating the potential for a large number of new functional and progressive exercises and variations that are very important in the field of therapy, as well as in the training of athletes, allowing for increased range of motion.

Advantages of Redcord Axis:

  • Correct anatomical and biomechanical movements
  • A full body workout using just one piece of equipment
  • Wider offer of exercises and their variations
  • Precise rotary movements
  • Sports exercises that can be adapted to any specific movement training
  • Movement recovery training restores specific body functions
  • New challenges with more instability on a rotating plane
  • Ensures equal load between the injured and healthy side

Redcord Axis top quality equipment for professional use.

Redcord Axis is a key component of professional equipment. It includes 5m of rope to attach slings and ties, a Redcord rope lock to easily adjust the height of the ties with one hand, carabiners and ceiling connections, allowing it to be installed on wooden and concrete girders, as well as being attached to Redcord Trainer or Redcord Mini equipment .

The audience of Redcord Trainer users is very wide: physiotherapists who perform Neurac® treatment, active lifestylers, fitness trainers, pilates instructors, professional trainers and athletes.

As a piece of equipment that can be used at home, the Redcord Axis can also be used by people who are focused on improving their athletic performance and taking care of their fitness level. All specialists will appreciate the benefits of Redcord Axis in combination with the existing Redcord offer.

Redcord Axis equipment includes:

  • 1 x Redcord AXIS
  • 1 x Redcord straps (pair)
  • 1 x Redcord AXIS ceiling suspension with screws
  • 3 x Redcord AXIS carabiners
  • 1 x Redcord Redcord AXIS cable lock
  • 1 x Redcord AXIS User Manual
  • 1 x Redcord AXIS Exercise Poster

Maximum load: 200 kg Equipment weight: 2.1 kg


1 x Redcord AXIS with links


1 x Redcord Strap, one pair // loops, pair


1 x Redcord AXIS Ceiling Brackets, with screws // ceiling mounts and screws


1 x Redcord Cord Lock // rope lock for Redcord AXIS 


3 x Redcord Rope Clip (Axis carabiner) // Redcord Axis carabiners (rope clip)


1 x Redcord AXIS instruction manual


1 x Redcord AXIS Exercise Poster



Redcord AS, assuming full responsibility, certifies that our products comply with Regulation No. 12 of January 1995. 25 on medical devices (class 1, rule 1) , which implements COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 93/42/EEC (June 14, 1993) on MEDICAL DEVICES.

It is important that anyone purchasing Redcord products familiarize themselves with the contents of this website, understand all warnings, misuse information and other information provided below and in the equipment descriptions.

Here you can download and view safety information about Redcord ropes and safety information about Redcord for slings and straps .

  • Uzticamas maksājuma metodes

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  • Drošība & konfidencionalitāte

    Mēs pievēršam lielu uzmanību jūsu datu drošībai un cienām jūsu privātumu. Jūsu kredītkaršu detaļas netiek glabātas mūsu sistēmā bez Jūsu atļaujas.

  • Ātrs atbalsts klientiem

    Ja jums rodas jautājumi vai neskaidrības, mūsu klientu atbalsta komanda ir gatava palīdzēt jums jebkurā laikā.

redcord - Jūsu jaunais treniņu partneris

redcord ir revolucionārs treniņu risinājums, kas apvieno vienkāršību ar efektivitāti, lai sniegtu Jums iespēju trenēties jebkur un jebkad.

Izmēģiniet Redcord savos ikdienas treniņos un izbaudiet, kā tas pārveido Jūsu treniņu pieredzi.

Fitnesa treneris Kristaps Vilde iesaka Redcord kā lielisku alternatīvu parastajiem treniņu risinājumiem. Viņš ir pārsteigts par šī ekipējuma vieglumu un ērtumu, kas ļauj efektīvi trenēties, vienlaikus saglabājot pilnīgu kontroli pār vingrinājumiem. Redcord ir arī lielisks rīks rehabilitācijas aprūpē, kas apliecina tā universālitāti.

  • Daudzpusīgs pielietojums

    Redcord nav paredzēts tikai sporta zālei; tas ir lietojams jebkurā vietā, kur dodaties. Lieto redcord mājās, ārpus telpām vai profesionālā vidē.

  • Palielini treniņu efektivitāti ar redcord

    Tā dizains nodrošina pilna ķermeņa treniņu, vienlaicīgi mērķējot uz dažādām muskuļu grupām.

  • Pārbaudīts un zinātnisks dizains

    Zinātniski attīstītā sistēma piedāvā unikālu pieeju vingrinājumiem, uzlabojot efektivitāti un samazinot traumu risku.

Izvēlies labāko Dynasty

Dynasty atradīsi augstas kvalitātes medicīnas un skaistumkopšanas produktus vairumtirdzniecībā un mazumtirdzniecībā.