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ErgoPad Weightflex 2 Insoles | For a flat foot | Women's

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Wearing high-heeled shoes and boats on a daily basis often resulted in deformations of the arches of the feet - known as flat feet. In the case of flat feet, it is necessary to relieve, release and stabilize the foot. Bauerfeind ErgoPad Weightflex 2 insoles are designed for exactly this purpose.

ErgoPad Weightflex 2 insoles:

  • Supports and relieves the foot
  • Increases movement control / stability
  • Reduces pressure (properly distributes the load)
  • Provides foot health prevention

Also suitable for high heels:

Indications (primary)

  • Reduced foot arches (longitudinal arch, transverse arch)
  • Flatfoot

Indications (secondary)

  • Knee joint / lower back pain
  • Hallux valgus (conservative)
  • Mild to moderate high arches

  • Post-traumatic foot deformities


    ErgoPad Weightflex 2 feet/insoles are available in different degrees of hardness: “soft”, “medium hard” and “hard. Choose this parameter according to your body weight and foot health therapeutic goal. (See picture)

    If your body weight corresponds to two models, choose a softer insole model, one with a higher degree of flexibility.

    Flexible material joints

    The sole is flexible in both the front and heel area, so it is suitable for use in shoes with different heel heights.

    Anatomically appropriate shape

    The very thin front edge of the sole has a shape that corresponds to the anatomy of the foot, which does not stress the metatarsophalangeal, or forefoot, joints.

    Reduced pressure

    The outer part of the sole is lower in the area of ​​the fifth metatarsophalangeal joint, thus respecting the biomechanical characteristics of this part of the foot.


    The sizes of the insoles correspond to the size of the shoes.

    If you are in doubt about the size of the insole, come to one of to our stores , taking with you the shoes in which you plan to insert the insoles.

    Shoes suitable for insoles, which have a wide enough interior to accommodate both the foot and the selected insoles. Never put insoles in shoes that are too narrow and tight.

    Like shoes, insoles should be about 1cm longer than the length of the foot when it is in a stable position and under load. Check the length of both feet, if there is a difference, size is determined by the longer foot.

    Break-in phase: Like other medical aids, the ErgoPad weightflex 2 insoles may feel a little strange the first time you wear them. Therefore, it is recommended to initially wear the insoles for 1-2 hours and gradually extend the wearing time.

    The shape of the insoles can be adjusted:

    • Trimming the edges of the insole a little so that it fits comfortably in the shoes
    • By thermal adjustment, if so determined by your specialist.


    It is recommended to wipe or wash with a lightly moistened sponge. Do not dry on heating devices!

    • Uzticamas maksājuma metodes

      Dynasty e-veikals sadarbojas tikai ar atzītiem un uzticamiem maksājumu pakalpojumu sniedzējiem.

    • Drošība & konfidencionalitāte

      Mēs pievēršam lielu uzmanību jūsu datu drošībai un cienām jūsu privātumu. Jūsu kredītkaršu detaļas netiek glabātas mūsu sistēmā bez Jūsu atļaujas.

    • Ātrs atbalsts klientiem

      Ja jums rodas jautājumi vai neskaidrības, mūsu klientu atbalsta komanda ir gatava palīdzēt jums jebkurā laikā.

    Atvieglo sāpes ar

    Labākā aizsardzība pret locītavu un muskuļu pārslodzi

    Mainīgā kompresija uzlabo: 

    asins cirkulāciju un metabolismu (vielmaiņu) locītavas audos

    stimulē muskuļu atjaunošanos,

    mazina sāpes, pietūkumu un muskuļu vibrācijas.

    Atklāj jaunu tempu, palielini kustību kontroli un koordināciju.
    • Asins cirkulācijas uzlabošana

      Uzlabo asinsriti un metabolismu locītavu audos

    • Muskuļu vibrācijas samazināšana

      Nodrošini stabilāku un drošāku sajūtu kustībās

    • Muskuļu atjaunošanās stimulēšana

      Veicina muskuļu atveseļošanos pēc slodzes

    Izvēlies labāko Dynasty

    Dynasty atradīsi augstas kvalitātes medicīnas un skaistumkopšanas produktus vairumtirdzniecībā un mazumtirdzniecībā.