GenuTrain S | Knee orthosis with side-embedded joint fixators | 1 piece. - titan / for the good / 1
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For purchases, the total amount of which does not exceed 30 EUR, a delivery fee of 3 EUR is determined if the delivery method is a parcel and 5 EUR if the delivery method is a courier.
High quality Bauerfeind knee orthosis, knee support with knee joint fixator.
Mild to moderate instability
Arthritis (eg rheumatoid arthritis)
The combination of joint splints and a strap system gives more passive support to the knee joint.
The positive effect on sensorimotor skills provides greater active support for the knee joint.
Movements of the knee joint reshape the pad ring, resulting in massage of the parapatellar soft tissue structures.
The effect of compression and massage accelerates the resorption of edema and accumulated fluid.
The anatomically shaped splints are thermoplastically moldable and are inserted into the side openings.
Joint splints are additionally fixed with circular, non-elastic straps.
New knit concept: super elastic, breathable and moisture wicking knit for excellent wearing comfort, especially in the thigh area.
A special knitting technology provides a pleasant feeling of wearing also in the thigh area.
The annular viscoelastic profile insert covers the patella and facilitates correct fitting of the support
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